
Chesterfield and its Rivers, both in the UK and Missouri


Chesterfield in Derbyshire has two rivers that run through the city centre. The River Rother and the River Hipper. The River Rother is classed as a northern Midlands river. The river Rother gets its name from flowing through the Rother valley and eventually into the city of Rotherham. As the river Rother whilst flowing through Chesterfield city centre flows into the Chesterfield canal.

The river was so polluted that it did not have form of life form living in it as of 1974 this was due to the heavy industrial area that polluted the river. As many coal mines and sewage works where situated at the rivers bank.

Due to a heavy cleaning and redevelopment process in the early 1990’s the river can now accommodate life forms.

Just south of the city of Chesterfield the river Rother flows into the river Hipper, the river Hippers

Source is wetlands from the moors north of Chesterfield which contributed to the flood of Chesterfield in 2007.

The Missouri river flows through Chesterfield and is the longest river in America, the world’s fourth largest river. Its source in the Rocky Mountains is the beginning of its 2,341 mile journey. However in recent years this has been reduced due to meanders of the river but cut to make the river straight due to repeated flooding. In 1993 the year of the great floods Chesterfield was flooded when the river in the Chesterfield Valley burst its banks and flooded the Gumbo Flats area of Chesterfield now home to the city’s airport the Spirit of St Louis Airport.

We think the best Chesterfield Sofa to honour these great rivers would be either the Howard Chesterfield sofa to resemble the meandering river Missouri in a Deluxe Devil Arabica to contrast the once polluted river Rother or could it be the Buckhingham Chesterfield sofa to resemble the Two rivers meeting in Chesterfield, Derbyshire in an Antique Silver Grey leather to mark the river Missouri’s source the Rocky mountains.

Let us know your thoughts and suggestions.