
Chesterfields – Cigarettes


Chesterfields are a brand of cigarettes that are currently made by a company called Altria and are originally named after Chesterfield County in Virgina. Chesterfields were a very popular brand across the world but recently sales are declining.

Chesterfields are still very popular in the UK and mainland Europe but have not been on sale in America for a number of years due to poor sales.

Chesterfields Cigarettes showed their popularity in the 1930’s and 40’s when they sponsored a radio programme called the Chesterfield Hour which was a radio programme that attracted at the time some of music’s biggest stars.

This is not just Chesterfields claim to fame as they were James Bonds favourite brand of cigarettes as mentioned in the film Goldfinger.

“Oddjob, I want a lot of food, quickly and a bottle of bourbon, soda and ice also a carton of Chesterfields, King-size.”

Other films that Chesterfields have been mentioned in are Reservoir Dogs and True Romance.

We think that the best way to relax with a carton of Chesterfields in to relax on a chesterfield chair.

We have narrowed it down to Two chairs the chesterfield Burghley chair and the chesterfield osbourne wing chair both in an antique rust leather to match that of the chesterfield brand.